On this page:
1. Purpose
The purpose of the Service Excellence Committee (the “Committee”) of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Board of Directors (BOD) is to assist with BOD oversight of service excellence strategies, enterprise projects, initiatives, investments and/or standards, including but not limited to health and safety promotion, information technology, and the monitoring of services delivered to all WSIB stakeholders.
The WSIB is mandated to promote health and safety under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (WSIA). The WSIB also has a legislated obligation under Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) to require Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 employers under the WSIA to make payments to defray the cost of administering the OSHA.
2. Scope
This charter of the Committee describes the authority and responsibilities of the Committee. The charter should be read in conjunction with the Corporate Governance Policy and the Enterprise Governance Framework.
3. Authority of the Committee
The Committee has the authority to oversee the following:
3.1. Committee authority
The Committee has the authority to:
3.1.1. Oversee the WSIB's partnership in Ontario's health and safety system.
3.1.2. Promote heath and safety through WSIB's programs and services.
3.1.3. Promote enterprise service excellence strategies for all WSIB stakeholders.
3.1.4. Support the role of technology in executing business strategies.
3.1.5. Appoint, evaluate and review the function of the Fair Practices Commissioner.
3.2. Other
3.2.1. The Committee may, with the approval of the Chair and resolution by the BOD, appoint sub-committees as needed.
3.2.2. Without limiting the authority set out in 3.1, the Committee has the authority, with the agreement of the Chair of the BOD, the engage independent counsel and other advisors as it determines necessary or desirable to carry our its duties and to set and pay the compensation for them.
3.2.3. In performing its functions, the Committee is entitled to rely on the advice, reports and opinions of management, counsel, accountants, auditors and other expert advisors.
4. Access to the Committee
4.1. The Chief Operating Officer, the Chief Employer Services Officer, the Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, the Chief Corporate Services Officer and the Vice President, Workplace Health and Safety Services will be primary resources to the Committee.
4.2. The Committee Chair may reach out through the Chair’s Office and the CEO’s office to access additional executive support and/or information as required.
5. Composition, skills and competencies
5.1. The Committee shall consist of a minimum of three members of the BOD. The Chair of the BOD and the President and CEO are members of the Committee.
5.2. Members of the Committee shall have knowledge of or experience in one or more of the following areas:
5.2.1. Measuring occupational health and safety program/system effectiveness.
5.2.2. WSIB’s obligations under OHSA and mandate under the WSIA.
5.2.3. Change management, service excellence and customer experience strategies and monitoring.
5.2.4. Information technology strategies implementations and technology acquisitions and implementations.
6. Meetings
6.1. Frequency of meetings
The Committee will meet a minimum of three times per year, and more frequently as circumstances dictate.
6.2. Quorum
6.2.1. The majority of members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a meeting, and a decision of the majority is the decision of the Committee.
6.2.2. For the portion of the meeting dealing with Information Technology, the Vice-Chair may request a deferral of an agenda item if external advisors are not present.
6.3. In camera sessions
At the end of each Committee meeting, the Committee Chair and the members of the Committee may meet without any member of management or any other persons present except as deemed necessary by the Committee Chair.
6.4. Other
Additional information relating to Committee meetings, including the role of the Committee Chair and Vice-Chair, is set out in the Corporate Governance Policy.
7. Role of the Committee Chair and Vice-Chair
The role of the Committee Chair and Vice-Chair is defined in the Corporate Governance Policy.
8. Responsibilities of the Committee
8.1. Partner in Ontario's health and safety system
A key function of the Committee is to promote health and safety through WSIB’s programs and services and partnering in Ontario’s health and safety system. The Committee is responsible for providing:
8.1.1. Strategic advice on health and safety system priorities including collaboration on a system-wide strategy to address identified injury/illness trends.
8.1.2. Strategic direction on the WSIB’s health and safety programs and services to ensure alignment with legislative obligations and to support the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development plans and priorities.
8.1.3. Recommendations to the BOD to improve WSIB’s health and safety programs and service.
8.2. Promote health and safety through WSIB’s programs and services
8.2.1. Oversees the WSIB’s health and safety program(s) through regular effectiveness review.
8.2.2. Identifies areas of focus based on injury/illness trends, Health and Safety Index results and system effectiveness.
8.3. Promote enterprise service excellence strategies for all WSIB stakeholders
8.3.1. Reviews and monitors strategies for service excellence for both employers and persons with injuries or illness, including the use of data and analytics to influence long-term service excellence strategies.
8.3.2. Monitors enterprise risks related to service excellence and customer experience.
8.3.3. Monitors and evaluate brand and communication strategies that elevate Internal and external customer experience.
8.3.4. Reviews strategies to create a corporate culture of service excellence and a talent strategy to support that transformation.
8.4. Support the role of technology in executing business strategies
8.4.1. Provides advice to the WSIB’s technology strategies and related enterprise investments.
8.4.2. Provides advice to the WSIB’s cybersecurity strategies and risk management.
8.4.3. Monitors and evaluates current and future trends in technology that may affect the WSIB’s strategic and corporate plans.
8.5. Fair Practices Commission
8.5.1. The Committee recommends to the BOD the appointment of the Fair Practices Commissioner.
8.5.2. The Committee conducts the Fair Practices Commissioner performance evaluation.
8.5.3. The Committee reviews the charter of the Fair Practices Commission every three years and recommends changes, if any, to the BOD.
8.6. Committee role in risk management
The Committee will assess any risks that are specific to its charter and address those risks or forward them to the Governance Committee for consideration.
8.7. Other
8.7.1. The Committee provides input to the President and CEO on the performance of the Chief Operating Officer, the Chief Employer Services Officer, the Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, and the Chief Corporate Services Officer.
9. Committee charter review
The charter of the Committee is reviewed annually by the Committee.
January 2023