My business has a website
You can complete the business activity change request form if your business has a website and you think you’re being classified improperly, your business activity has changed, or you’d like to add or remove a classification to your account.
Business activity change request
My business doesn’t have a website
If you don't have a website, you can submit your request for a reclassification along with the necessary information online or by emailing
- account number (include in subject line if submitting by email)
- a detailed description of your business activity
- the date you began performing the business activity
- three to five invoices supporting your business activity
- contracts
- promotional materials and/or purchase orders
We understand that not all materials may be available, please provide as much information as possible to confirm your business activity.
If you’re requesting to add a new classification to your account, you’ll also need to confirm that your business activities are separate and distinct from each other and are not performed as part of the same contract.
If you have multiple business activities and want to remove one, you can email us to advise which business activity you would like removed from the account and the date you ceased performing it.
Ancillary business activity
We won’t separately classify a business’ operations that are considered ancillary (i.e., incidental to the employers business activity). More information and examples can be found in our Classification Structure policy under the ancillary operations section.
Business activity change request form
Next steps
Once we receive and review the information, we’ll send you a decision letter letting you know if any changes have been made and any rate impacts based on the changes on your account.