2020 Grants recipients 

Chris McLeod, The University of British Columbia (Vancouver)

“Is the Health and Safety Excellence program associated with improved workplace health and safety in Ontario?”

$400,000 over two years

Dr. Chris McLeod, Associate Professor, School of Population and Public Health, The University of British Columbia

Project summary

The aim of this 2-year proposal is to begin the evaluation of the WSIB’s Health and Safety Excellence (HSE) program in order to initially assess program effectiveness relating to changes in participating firm’s health and safety behavior. It will also collect baseline information for participating firms and matched controls to assess changes in firm work injury outcomes in later years.

Andrea Furlan, The Institute for Work & Health (Toronto)

“Project ECHO Occupational and Environmental Health (OEH): development, implementation and evaluation”

$396,008 over two years

Dr. Andrea Furlan, Scientist, Institute for Work & Health

Project summary

Physicians and nurses play an important role in return-to-work and disability management of injured workers. However, they receive little training related to occupational medicine, work functioning or workers' compensation systems. Physicians complain of frustration with complex cases and the burden to deal with the WSIB. In 2014, Dr. Furlan implemented the first Project

Extensions for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) in Canada, a tele-mentoring program that uses weekly videoconference case-based discussions with an inter-professional team of experts and connect with physicians and nurses in rural and remote areas of Ontario. We are proposing to develop, implement and evaluate an ECHO in occupational health in Ontario.

Charles Tator, University Health Network (Toronto)

“Enhanced Multidisciplinary Treatment for Return/Recovery of Concussed Workers with persisting symptoms”

$399,981.32 over two years

Dr. Charles H. Tator, Neurosurgeon - Director Canadian Concussion Centre, Department of Neurosurgery, University Health Network

Project summary

Concussion is the most common type of mild traumatic brain injury and can have serious consequences. It is estimated that 150,000 Ontarians experience a concussion each year. Although most concussed patients recover within one month, some exhibit persisting symptoms beyond this timeframe. Approximately 10-20% have persisting concussion symptoms (PCS) that can last months to years after injury resulting in delayed return to normal activities and delayed return to work (RTW). We propose to determine the effectiveness of an enhanced multidisciplinary treatment strategy to improve quality of life, earlier RTW, and reduction of health system costs in workers with PCS.

Dinesh Kumbhare, University Health Network (Toronto)

 “Development of a Canadian Return-To-Work Risk Assessment Tool in Chronic Pain Patients”

$140,000 over two years

Dr. Dinesh Kumbhare, Clinician Scientist, Medicine/ Physical Med. & Rehab, University of Toronto, University Health Network

Project summary

Chronic musculoskeletal pain (CP) affects the lives of one in five Canadians. It is difficult for family doctors to assess which CP patients will be able to successfully return to work (RTW) and which patients will not. This research will identify patient-based and work context factors that contribute to whether or not a CP patient will experience successful RTW during a 6 month period. The overall goal of this research is to develop a clinical guide that family doctors can use in chronic pain patient assessment to identify patients that are at high-risk for not being able to return to work and thus require special care.


Workplace Health Champion Program

The program funds “Champions” within each of Ontario’s six medical schools to develop and deliver occupational health and safety content within the curriculum to improve knowledge for the next generation of medical professionals. Each school has been awarded a two-year grant with a total funding commitment of $66,500 per school.

  • McMaster University – Dr. Michael Pysklywec
  • Northern Ontario School of Medicine – Dr. Joel Andersen
  • Queen’s University – Dr. Brent Wolfrom
  • University of Ottawa – Dr. Mick Markus
  • University of Toronto – Dr. Gary Liss
  • Western University – Dr. Keith Sequier