Sponsorships program

The WSIB is proud to partner with organizations across Ontario. We look for sponsorship opportunities that fit our business values and priorities, help create healthy and safe workplaces and support diversity and inclusion. 

What we sponsor

We consider requests that make significant contributions to the workplace safety and insurance system and sponsorships that support our:

  • Mandate to promote safe workplaces, to help return to work, recovery, and re-entry into the labour market for people who have a workplace injury or illness, and to provide compensation and other benefits in a financially responsible and accountable way
  • Vision to make Ontario the safest and healthiest place to work, aligned with our objectives in our Strategic Plan 
  • Business priorities outlined in our annual Corporate Business Plan 

Our sponsorships usually involve a combination of financial support and/or in-kind support. We are frequently approached by external groups seeking sponsorship for events and initiatives such as conferences, training workshops, tradeshows or other events that promote workplace health and safety. 

What we don’t sponsor

Proposals that are not eligible include:

  • Requests that are eligible for funding through WSIB grants or procurement processes 
  • Requests to sponsor political, religious, fundraising, or lobbying events 
  • Requests from WSIB employees

How to apply

Our Intake and Review Process 

At the WSIB, we use an evaluation process that requires the same information to be submitted by all applicants. This allows us to make an informed decision on all the sponsorship requests we receive.

When you submit your completed online application we will conduct a preliminary review and contact you within five business days of receiving your request. This is to confirm recipient of your submission and to get a better understanding of your organization and to ask any additional questions about your proposal. 

We will then conduct an evaluation of your proposal based on set guidelines and criteria, and let you know whether your submission is approved or not. 

Please ensure you apply with enough lead time to have your opportunity thoroughly considered. We recommend you submit your application 90 days before the date of your event. 

If you require more information about our sponsorships you can contact us by email: sponsorships@wsib.on.ca