Functional Abilities Form

What is a Functional Abilities Form, and when do I use it?

 is an optional form designed to help workers and employers meet their return-to-work obligations. The FAF can be used as a tool to facilitate return to work discussions between the employer and the injured/ill worker.

What does the form do?

The Functional Abilities Form is primarily a communication tool for the workplace parties. It is completed by the treating health professional, and provides the employer and the injured/ill worker with a common frame of reference about the worker's functional abilities to identify jobs that are suitable for the worker.

Who requests it?

Either the worker or the employer can request that the form be completed. Noting the need for time to heal after a work-related injury or illness, the form should only be used when the worker is functionally able to return to some kind of work.

Who completes it?

The health professional (e.g., doctor, physiotherapist, or other licensed health care professional) who is treating the worker completes the form at the employer's request or at the worker's request. The health professional will provide the employer and/or the worker with the completed form. A copy will also be sent to the WSIB.

Can workplaces use their own form?

Employers who have forms specifically tailored to their workers and work environment may use their forms. Please note that, in this case, the employer must pay the health professional directly for completing the form. Health professionals who complete the WSIB's FAF are paid a fee of $40. Employers' forms should not request diagnostic or confidential information, and should be limited to functional information.

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