Fee schedule: Occupational therapy

Fee schedule: Occupational therapy services
Services included Service code Fee
Occupational Therapy Visit 5100 $76.04
Occupational Therapy Home Visit 5101 $152.07
Acupuncture (per visit) 5130 $49.98

Additional notes:

Occupational Therapy Home Visits

  • Visit and payment is not time based. However, a visit is generally one hour in duration.

Acupuncture (per visit)

  • Payment for reports is included in the fee for occupational therapy services. Therefore, a separate report fee should not be submitted to the WSIB.
  • An initial trial of up to six treatments may be allowed.
  • Requests for extensions must be submitted in writing and pre- approved by the WSIB.
  • Must be delivered by a regulated health professional with appropriate training completed at an educational facility that offers a certification program in acupuncture and adheres to the standards of the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario.
Fee schedule: Other services
Services included Service code Fee

Functional Abilities Form for Planning Early and Safe Return to Work (FAF)
FAF $45.00
Telephone consultation with treating health professional N/A $45.00

Additional notes:

Telephone consultation with treating health professional

  • Call must be initiated by the WSIB to treating health professional.
  • Paid at a flat rate fee regardless of the duration of discussion.

Functional Abilities Form for Planning Early and Safe Return to Work (FAF)

  • Request for the completion of the form must be initiated by either the worker or employer. Do not include clinical/diagnostic information on the form.

Overview of Occupational Therapy Services

Payment for occupational therapy will be considered when it is recommended by the worker’s primary health professional (i.e. physician, chiropractor, Registered Nurse (EC) or physiotherapist).

  • Entitlement to occupational therapy is handled on a claim-by-claim basis and the length of treatment is determined by the WSIB.
  • The treatment plan/report should provide details on expected duration, outcomes and progress to date.

Note: If there is evidence that the worker is not improving, the WSIB may not pay for continuing treatment.