Enterprise Governance Framework

1. Introduction and background

This Enterprise Governance Framework (EGF) promotes effective and efficient decision-making that helps the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) achieve its mandate, goals and objectives.

The purpose of this EGF is to define the authority of the levels of decision-making within the WSIB (Board of Directors - Oversight; President and CEO - Corporate & Operational; and Management - Functional) and describe types of delegation of authority.

2. WSIB’s governance environment

The WSIB is legislated to administer the Province of Ontario’s no-fault workplace injury and illness insurance system under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (Ontario) (WSIA).

2.1. External governance environment

The WSIB is a board-governed trust agency under the Agencies and Appointments Directive (AAD) of the Government of Ontario.

The Lieutenant Governor in Council appoints all members of the WSIB’s Board of Directors (BOD), including the Chair of the WSIB (Chair) and the President and CEO.

The Minister of Labour is accountable to the Legislature for the WSIB. The Chair is accountable to the Minister of Labour. Although operating arm’s length from the Government of Ontario, the WSIB remains subject to Treasury Board/Management Board of Cabinet directives and Officers of the Legislature.

2.2. Internal governance environment

2.2.1. Oversight-level governance
The BOD’s role and responsibilities are defined in the WSIA and the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Minister and the Chair. The BOD is responsible for the WSIB’s governance.

2.2.2. Corporate and Operational–level governance
The President and CEO shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of the WSIB. The President and CEO is accountable to the BOD, through the Chair, for the management and administration of the WSIB in a manner consistent with the BOD’s direction and delegation.

2.2.3. Functional-level governance
Management is responsible for decisions that have been delegated to them by the President and CEO.

3. Authority to make decisions

Authority to make decisions at the WSIB is derived from the WSIA. The BOD may delegate authority to make a decision to a BOD member, officer, or employee of the WSIB. To implement these delegations, the WSIB uses instruments such as policies, BOD committee mandates, specific delegations, and resolutions. Delegations of authority must be in writing and retained as an accessible record.

3.1. Policy-based delegation
The Enterprise Policy Framework sets out the requirements for ensuring that policies are clear, up-to-date, provide appropriate direction, are authorized and support corporate compliance.

3.2. Committee mandate-based delegation

3.2.1. Oversight committees
BOD committees require mandates or similar documents that define their responsibilities and authorities. The BOD approves both the mandates and membership of BOD committees.

3.2.2. Corporate and operational committees
All committees with cross-cluster representation and authority to make decisions (or recommendations) must have a mandate. The President and CEO approves the mandate and membership of these corporate and operational (i.e. management) committees.

3.3. Specific delegation of authority
Where a decision maker has authority to delegate powers and duties, a decision maker may delegate powers and duties through a specific formally recorded delegation document.

3.4. Delegation of authority by resolution
Where a decision maker has authority to delegate powers and duties, a decision maker may delegate powers and duties through a specific formally recorded resolution. At the BOD, resolutions are recorded by the Corporate Secretary.

4. Evaluation and review

Every three years a comprehensive review of WSIB’s governance will take place. The scope of this review will include a comprehensive review of this EGF.