2018 Annual Report highlights

Our 2018 Annual Report (PDF) highlights the accomplishments made in 2018 toward making Ontario the safest and healthiest place to work:

  • 93% of eligibility decisions were made within two weeks for claims registered during the year, even though registered claim volume was 5% higher than 2017;
  • 9 out of 10 people who lost time at work due to an injury or illness returned to work within one year without any loss of income;
  • We expanded our workplace injury and illness coverage to include chronic mental stress and changes to provide consistent indexing of benefits to inflation;
  • For the third year in a row, we were also able to reduce premium rates for Ontario businesses, and announced that we reduced the average premium rate for 2019 by 29.8%.

Also, the WSIB reached a historic turning point in 2018 with the elimination of our unfunded liability almost ten years ahead of the legislated schedule. For the first time in recorded history, we are fully funded with net assets of $2.6 billion on a Sufficiency Ratio basis. This strong financial management should give Ontarians confidence that they will receive the benefits and support they need to recover and get back to work if they suffer a work-related injury or illness.